Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec de formidables partenaires afin d’encourager des recherches inclusives dans le but de comprendre le milieu des sports et des loisirs au Canada.

Rapport de Bon départ sur la situation du jeu à l'intention des jeunes 2024
Le 18 avril 2024
We’ve partnered with the Aspen Institute to develop the Jumpstart State of Play Youth Report, a comprehensive report that represents youth voices and helps provide a better understanding of the challenges today’s youth face when it comes to accessing safe and inclusive sport and play in this country. We hope that the results from this report and the ‘youth voice’ that emerges from the findings will help uncover insights that can drive meaningful and actionable change in youth sport and play experiences.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)The Jumpstart State of Sport Report is an annual assessment of the community sport landscape in Canada. We produce the report in conjunction with Ipsos, a global leader in market research, and an advisory panel of academic experts.

The State of Sport in 2023
Le 13 avril 2023
Our 2023 State of Sport Report reveals that while youth sport is bouncing back across Canada, the costs to play are rising, creating barriers for many families and challenging sport organizations. Building off what we learned last year, we’ve once again partnered with Ipsos and our Canadian academic advisory panel to assess the post-pandemic impacts on community sports.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
The State of Sport in 2022
25 mars 2022
Our 2022 State of Sport Report reveals that major barriers to sport remain for Canadian Youth. Building off what we learned last year, we’ve once again partnered with Ipsos and our Canadian academic advisory panel to assess the continued impact of COVID on community sports and understand how we must respond.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
The State of Sport in 2021
29 mars 2021
Ce rapport porte sur les résultats d’une étude de recherche que nous avons réalisée en 2021 en partenariat avec Ipsos afin de comprendre l’impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur les sports et les loisirs communautaires. Ces résultats démontrent clairement un important besoin de soutien.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
A Call to Reimagine Canadian Sport So All Girls Can Play
The 2024 Rally Report, produced in partnership with Canadian Women & Sport (CW&S), delves into the latest trends and data on Canadian girls' experience in sport. This new report offers fresh insights and provides recommendations on how sport leaders can create more equitable and inclusive environments.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
The Rally Report
Améliorer la qualité et la sécurité du sport pour les filles
Canadian Women and Sport (CW&S), in partnership with Jumpstart, have released the third and final iteration of the Rally Report in 2022. The Rally Report is an in-depth look at how Canadian girls and women, and women sport leaders, experience sport in 2022.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
Se mobiliser pour la santé mentale des filles
Mental health is an essential part of everyone’s overall health and wellbeing. Jumpstart is proud to support the research Canadian Women & Sport have done focusing on the benefits of safe and healthy sport participation for young girls.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
Alerte COVID
Impact de la pandémie sur les filles dans le sport
1 fille sur 4 n'est pas décidée à reprendre le sport une fois que les restrictions liées à la COVID-19 seront levées. Découvrez les obstacles auxquels les filles sont confrontées et les mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour rétablir un meilleur sport dans le rapport Alerte COVID : L'impact de la pandémie sur les filles dans le sport.
We are proud to work with Canadian Women & Sport to help bring continued attention and actions to drive improvement in gender equality in sport.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)
Le signal de ralliement
Améliorer la qualité et la sécurité du sport pour les filles
The call to play, move, and compete is a rallying cry that excites us, challenges us, and inspires us to come together. The Rally Report, produced in partnership with Canadian Women & Sport and with research completed by IMI International, explores current Canadian trends in sport participation with a specific focus on the target groups of girls ages 6–18.
Téléchargez le rapport (PDF)