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Community Development Grants

Stronger Communities. Stronger Canada.

Our Community Development Grants have two funding streams: Program Support and Operational Support. These grants help organizations who provide programming for kids between the ages of 4-18 in financial need or youth with disabilities between the ages of 4-25.

Programming Support: Grants are awarded to help organizations develop or sustain the delivery of sport or physical activity-based programs.

Operational Support: Grants are awarded to help organizations build their capacity to provide more inclusive, equitable, safe sport participant experiences.

While organizations can apply more than once within the same application intake period, the requests must be clearly justified and not duplicate nor be dependent on funding from another Jumpstart Community Development Grant application. Funding is determined on the quality and eligibility of each application and overall demand. 

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Programming Support

Provides organizations with support to manage the costs of delivering sport and active recreational programming, including but not limited to:

  • Program leaders, instructors, and coaches;
  • Facility rentals;
  • Equipment needs;
  • Transportation needs.

Operational Support

Provides organizations with assistance to build capacity to provide more inclusive, equitable, and safe sport participant experiences, including but not limited to:

  • Build staff and/or volunteer experience/expertise through training and education;
  • Organization intersectionality approaches to reduce or eliminate systemic barriers to participation (i.e., policies, programs, practices, and spaces).

Jumpstart strongly recommends you reach out to your Regional Manager before applying for an Operational Support grant to ensure that your initiative is eligible and aligns with the funding stream criteria. Please click here to set up a call with the Regional Manager in your area.

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