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Outdoor Activity Guide

By: Jumpstart Staff

July 14, 2022

As the warmer weather hits and kids are officially let out of school for the summer, many Canadian families are eager to make the most of their free time by spending it outdoors. This Outdoor Activity Guide will help parents/guardians get their kids outside whether your budget is large or small, your child 4 or 14, or you are looking for an individual or group activity.

The activity ideas below are organized by movement type/skill development (e.g., high- vs. low-intensity movement) with activity variations based on age.

Ages 2-11

Simon Says


This classic game can be played with two or more people. One participant (ideally the parent/guardian in the first round) plays the role of “Simon” (or whatever name is preferred). “Simon” gives directions to the other participants for tasks they must complete by saying “Simon says… (insert task)”. 

Sample Prompts

  • “Simon says do five jumping jacks!”
  • “Simon says touch your toes!”
  • “Simon says walk like a duck!”

Additional Information

Crucial to the game is the rule that if 'Simon' asks the participants to complete a task without saying “Simon says”, they should not do it. This game can be played in an elimination style or just for fun. A benefit of the activity is that it develops active listening skills in participants.

Ages 12-19+

Tour of the Town


Make it a summer goal for your teen to visit key spots in town by running, walking or cycling! Depending on your level of comfort with supervision, this activity can be done with a parent, a friend, or alone. As an added piece of fun, have your child/teen take a photo of or selfie with each landmark — by the end of the summer, they will have a whole collage!

Safety Consideration

Ensure there is a plan for remaining in contact while out-and-about. Have an emergency meet-up spot and/or check-in time by phone! Bring lots of water and a snack to avoid energy lows.

While partaking in these Jumpstart inspired activities, it is important that participants keep safety top of mind. Always be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards (such as cars or bikes), and have a plan in case of emergencies. Lastly, as the heat climbs in the summer months, remember to take lots of breaks, drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen. Happy playing!